Monday, February 3, 2014

A BIG Announcement......

I have a big mouth and can't contain my excitement about where we are moving, but for those that haven't heard where we will be PCSing (Permanent Change of Station) in June or July.... say "Hallo, Deutschland!!!!!" Yes folks, Germany will be our home for several years. We are still awaiting official orders, but for all intents and purposes this is where we headed!!! Initially, we were going to Baumholder, but recently this changed as a better position opened up for Ryan in Kaiserslautern. We are totally pumped. Look how cute and precious this little place is!

Yes, there are downsides to living overseas. Things in Europe are more inconvenient than we are used to here in the States, and I am 100% sure I will break down and cry at some point in frustration. However, it's all a small price you pay to live in Europe, travel, experience new cultures, food, and most of all meet fun and interesting people.

We have been trying to move to Germany since we left Fort Lewis. You can imagine or dismay when we got orders to Fort Sill, Oklahoma and not Germany. I was devastated, really. I was at work, with a patient and knew Ryan was going to be calling with the final verdict. He called and I excused myself and went to the Nutrition room to talk to him briefly. I literally lost it!!! All the  nurses thought someone had died. I think it was more the shock and it wasn't a place we even listed on our dream sheet. With all that said, I have to say God always knows better than us, after all he is sovereign. Ryan has family near here and we have had a chance to spend more time with them the last 2 years. My grandparents are in Austin now, so I am closer to them and get to visit also. Not to mention the friends we have made here JAG and otherwise are amazing. I think this was the perfect place for Ryan to start his JAG career after leaving the infantry. We bought a house, experience lots of ups and downs here, and both have been challenged in our careers. This wouldn't have happened overseas. I truly believe now we are in the best place for this kind of move and this kind of experience.

In the Fall of 2012 Ryan and I went to Germany for vacation but also a test run to see if it was something we thought we could do. Ryan's brother and our sister in law were living there are the time and so we went for a visit to see them and some sights.  I had never been to Europe before, but I planned our trip to the tee thanks to many websites and Rick Steves! I was pretty impressed that I was able to pull this off having never been before. We had an amazing time and got to see some pretty incredible things! Here are some highlights of the trip!
 Me in Prague, simply an amazing city and would totally go back!
 Ryan and I at the Nuremberg castle. Gabe took us because Tas was a little sicky!
 Berchtesgaden Hitler's Eagle Nest and we also went to Lake Koningsee. Amazing, but the views were cloudy so that just means we will have to go back!!
 Mirabell Gardens in Salzburg. This whole town is doable in a day or so but so beautiful and interesting! 
 One of my favorite parts! Real Italian food, especially the pizza. I think these were from Vienna. Absolutely to die for and I ate every last bite. I am crazing amazing Italian food soooo much!
 Hitting up the Vienna Opera, we did standing room only tickets for about $4 Euro!
 Berlin at the Reichstag building. We did a 9 hour walking tour and it was so worth it! We got to see so much and learn even more than we would have on our own. Berlin is so rich in history you don't want to miss it! We stayed on the northern end and outside out apartment was the real Berlin Wall still standing in some sections... crazy!
 My lovely friend and soul sister, Tasneem. They live in Vilseck (this was in Amberg) and will be staying in Germany for another tour, which means lots of fun and travels to be had with these awesome peeps!!! And she just had a baby, so I cannot wait to squeeze him!
Ryan is excited to move to Europe strictly for the Gelato. He wants to start a tourist business where you gelato taste, instead of wine and beer taste. Someone is going to see this and steal our idea. But several bystanders on the streets of Prague agreed that this would be a phenomenal idea!! He seriously had this at every place we went!! This was Lime Gelato in Dresden.

So with all that, I have started all the preparations for the move! I have to get a No Fee Passport and a medical screening in the next week or so. I will post more on how that is done and how it works, once I have gone through it. I have also started cleaning out the house, purging, organizing things that will be staying in the states in storage and what we will be taking with us to Germany. This move is definitely not a cheap one. Yes, the Army pays for the move, but there are several things we have to get like a new coat (thats really warm), snow boots, a pet carrier for Molly for the plane, and much much more. We are also saving up some money to buy a car once we arrive since we can only ship one car. You should see the series of lists I have going right now!! But this is probably the dream move for someone like me who likes lists and organizing. Its also an excuse to finally get some things organized as well. So in the upcoming months before we have more details on the move and different things that go along with an Overseas PCS, I will be posting on the how to's of this process. 

Here is the most exciting part: if you want to come is your invitation!!! Friends, please come visit!! Not only would it be nice to see familiar faces, but also an opportunity for you to use us as a home base for your travels if you were to decide to come. Let that marinate for a while and you can always shoot me a message about visiting, even if I haven't seen you in forever, really!! In this lifestyle we are living its impossible to see people regularly that I would like to, so if you will be in the area just holler!

Keep your eyes peeled for some interesting Army moving overseas how to's in the future! We are super excited and hopefully I will use this blog to narrate our travels all of Europe (and yes since I am list maker there is already a detailed list in the works of the places we/I would like to go) 

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