First, I went to Lowes and bought 1x2 boards. These cost about $17 total. I measured the canvas and subtracted about 3-3.5 inches off each end to get the frame size. You want enough room to wrap the canvas around and staple. I used a pencil to mark off the length of each board. Then, I used a miter box and hand saw to ensure that I cut straight lines.
After that, I tried using wood glue to put the frame together. This was hard and I am impatient, so I decided to nail the boards together. This seemed to work just fine.
I also added a support beam in the center for added support! After this step was complete, I laid the canvas flat with the frame on top. I made sure the sides had enough room to stretch and be stapled. About a 5 inch part on one side did not stretch all the way, so some staples are visible, but hopefully no one notices! I used a Stanley Electric Staple gun. I used this is some previous upholstery work I had redone and it has worked just fine!
You start in the center, pull canvas tight, and begin stapling.
You work yourself around on each side, stapling, out toward the corners. Once you have stapled all around to the corners, you can begin stapling those. I did not have a lot of fabric left, so I had to improvise from what some would do. I pulled the corner forward onto the wood and stapled, then folded each side like a present and stapled each side.
Overall, it turned out well. It only took about 2 hours total from start to finish. It is definitely not a professional job, but it cost me a total of $17 for the wood. I already had the tools, nails, and electric staple gun. I would say this beats spending $200 plus to get the job done. This is one of the last projects I plan to do before we move! I am so glad I got it done and I am sure Ryan will be happy to have it displayed in our living room as he imagined.